About Hosanna Restoration Church

Hosanna Restoration Church is a small church with a family atmosphere. It’s pastors are Roger and Vikki Day. Hosanna came into being more than twenty years ago as a home bible study group. We say that praise built the church since it was as praise and worship grew that love for the Lord grew as well. Our services include lots of singing and praising and even shouting in our desire to glorify God. We have used NICH as an acronym to describe the church. We are Nondenominational, Interdependent, Charismatic, and Hungry for the Lord. By nondenominational we simply mean that we are not attached to large church organization. By interdependent we feel that we are a part of all the people in all the churches who love the Lord. Our doors are open to all who would like to come and visit. We like to say that you can only be a visitor once and then you are part of the family whether you attend all the time or not. We are charismatic, in that we believe in the giftings and operation of the Holy Spirit in all believers according to 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12. The hungry is self-explanatory. We feel that one can ever get enough of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Back to the beginnings: After the fellowship changed from a home church we rented a facility for services. After a few years of renting and moving equipment every week, it was decided in 1988 that we should build a place of our own. We are happy to say that it was built debt free. This has helped to enable us to support many missions and missionaries around the world. Since 1992 we have been involved in an outreach to Russia where we have worked with many churches and are closely involved with four thriving and vibrant churches in two cities. God’s blessing has been on the project.

Locally, we desire to be a help and be an encouragement to the community. We want to reach out to all who are in need no matter whether they are a part of our church family or not. We welcome anyone to call or come in any time. God loves you and so do we.
As for doctrine, we simply choose to follow the Bible as best we can. It is the perfect word of God. We believe that God is still doing miracles and speaking to people. We believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that every gift is available to every believer and that every believer is called to serve the Lord in every walk of life. We believe in Baptism by submersion. Jesus said to make disciples and we believe that everyone should desire a closer walk with Him. The call is not just to a few, but to all who love Him.
One more unique thing about Hosanna is that we do not pass an offering plate. We believe that the Lord loves cheerful givers so there is a basket if anyone wants to give and be blessed, but no one is ever compelled to do so. We believe that you cannot out give God, but we never ask, we simply provide the opportunity.
So if you do not have a church home we invite you to come. If you do have a church home but would like to join us for a time of exuberant worship please stop in. If you need encouragement, prayer or help of any kind, just call or come by. Hope to see you soon.