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For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. (Prov. 2:6)

“The only way it all makes sense is by the Holy Spirit, and with the Holy Spirit it is the only thing that makes sense!”

There were many times in my life when I was exposed to the Word of God and it simply made no sense. I believe the Holy Spirit was drawing me to seek the Lord, but I just did not get it; so I continued in my own direction. I praise the Lord that there came a time when the truth began to click, and the more I gave myself to it the more sense it made. And now, it is the only thing that really makes sense! Truly, the Lord gives wisdom. Everything He says is true. True wisdom comes from and can only be experienced in all of its fullness through the Holy Spirit.

In the computer age we understand that software for computers often comes in a bundle. At times we may see a message on the screen that informs us that we do not have the proper program to open a particular file. At that point the computer may offer to search for a proper application or it may just tell us what we need in order to make that application work. This may be an over simplification, but at least it gives us a picture. Fortunately the Lord has provided us all we need for every application in the person of the Holy Spirit!

Proverbs 1:23 tells us that God will pour out His Spirit on us and make His words known to us. This same promise is found in many other places leading up to the time when Jesus breathes on the disciples and tells them to receive the Holy Spirit. Previously, Jesus had explained to them that He was going away and that He and His Father and our Father would come to them and dwell with them. This would be accomplished through the Holy Spirit. He explained that in fact the Holy Spirit had been with them. Obviously, He was with them in Christ, and would now dwell in them and us the same way!

Just before Jesus breathed on them and told them to receive the Holy Spirit, He said, “As the Father has sent me, I also send you.” Do you see that? Jesus birth on earth was orchestrated by the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary. His ministry was launched by the Holy Spirit descending and remaining upon Him. Now He says that He is sending us the way the Father sent Him and He breathes on them and tells them to receive the Holy Spirit! In the Holy Spirit, we receive everything we need in order to walk as Jesus walked.

When all we want is God, we will have all He wants us to have. Interestingly, His desire is to freely give us all things! Don’t you want all things? Don’t you want healing for the sick, deliverance for those who are bound, light and wisdom for those in darkness, and resources for the needy? The Holy Spirit makes it all make perfect sense. What a wonderful Lord we serve!

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