Hosanna Restoration Church

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Lord, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name. (Is.26:8)

I am reminded once again that we have an assignment from the Lord. His last message was that we should go into all the world. Every day we all go somewhere. What do we do while we are there? God has placed in us a message that reaches the perishing. Everyone falls into one of two categories. We are either perishing or rescued. If we are rescued, we are living proof that no one is out of reach!

If you have a cell phone and you text, there is a good chance you have received one of those messages saying, “hello do we know each other?” They often follow with where they live or what they do; I started responding by asking if they are saved and if they know Jesus. So far no one has responded any further, but I am praying someone will. No one is out of reach. God has given us an assignment to decide who will come to Him. He has asked us to let them know they are welcome!

Today, we remember the terrible day when the towers came down. That day, there were many who lost their lives trying to rescue others. Many Christians have also given their lives to rescue others. When I think of that I question whether I have given what the Lord asks. Sure, I preach and teach, but what about when I am not preaching or teaching? Am I reaching out? Am I concerned about the lost in my daily life? Am I assuming I know and letting people go?

Rescuers on 9/11 went into what seemed to be impossible and hopeless situations, hoping against hope that somehow someone would survive. Are we looking for survivors? People are crying out; we just don’t know who it is.

My daughter recently tried to help someone and only God knows what was accomplished. In hindsight, she probably took a risk she shouldn’t have, but God watched over her. He will always take care of us if we trust Him. We all do things to help people, but do we do things to save people? How hard is it to ask someone if they have experienced the salvation of the Lord?

The truth is, unless we are determined to do just that, it is very difficult! We have to overcome the power of darkness in order to shine the light. That is why we need to worship our way closer and closer to God. That is why we need to be built up in our faith. We do not do it just so we can be blessed. It is better to be a blessing. God promises to take care of the blessings if we will just focus on being blessings. A spontaneous worship song came out years ago simply declaring, “I’ve got to get closer to you Lord. Every day in every way, everything I do and everything I say. I’ve just got to get closer to you.” The closer we are to God the more we will act in the heart of God.

Lord send your power. Fill us with boldness. Confirm your word with signs and wonders. Let’s set our hearts to see the glory of God manifested in our world. You have a world where you live, and I have a world where I live. All of our worlds have people who have never known the Lord!

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