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Now you are my friends…You didn’t choose me. I chose you. (John 15:15, 16 NLT)

I am a friend of God. He calls me friend. He calls us friends! We are not just any friend of God; we are chosen friends. In life, we have all had our friend experiences. It may be that we have a difficult time deciding what a friend is because of this.

We cannot compare any friendship to the type of friendship that Jesus promises. Our friendship with Jesus is one a of kind. It is so one of a kind, that we should not attempt to analyze or contemplate it, we simply must jump into it. We can trust Him. He will not fail us, because He cannot fail.

If we focus on what we have in Him, it will erase our focus on what we do not have. Have you ever noticed that focusing on what we do not have only brings us down. Unless of course we look at the fact that with Him we have no fear or doubt! We look forward to no sorrow or pain or lack. Our friend Jesus gives us the fullness of God.

John 15:3, tells us that we have been purified by His message. His truth has set us free. We are free to enter this wonderful friendship. We should not hesitate. Jump right in. He points to us and says, “I choose you.” All that is required of us is to remain with Him. In this world we have tribulation. With Him we overcome it. Just remain in this wonderful friendship that He calls you to.

Recently in prayer time with the Lord, He said what you look at is what you have. Don’t look at what you don’t have. Check your focus. Fix your picture. Stand where you are. Where are you? Where were you? There is not enough space here to go through what all of that said to me. It may be that it speaks to you as well.

How often do we just forget all that we do have, because of one thing that we do not have right at this moment? How often is our focus turned to what someone else has that we do not have? Our friendship with Jesus affords us an instant fix to the picture. With today’s technology, people can fix any picture they take. However, only Jesus can permanently fix the picture.

Jesus is a friend that will cause us to check our position. Where am I? Where was I? Do you remember where you were without Jesus? Do you appreciate where you are with Jesus? I find it very refreshing comparing where I am now with where I was then.

How often do we neglect our friendship with God? How is it that we allow our focus to be so distracted by even the smallest things, when our best friend is right there to help?

Remember, Jesus did not randomly choose you! You are not just one of many. You have a specific place in Him. You are top of the list! He looks at you. His focus is on you. He does not focus on your faults. He fixes the picture. He sees you as you are in Him. He never loses His focus! He took a stand for you and for me. Let’s stand for Him. The benefits of remaining in Him are endless. Focus on these things. He calls you friend. What a friend we have in Jesus!

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