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You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. (John 8:31)

It is important that we continue deeper in the Love of God. There is always more. There is always a way. We need to have layer after layer of Jesus. Jesus told the religious leaders that their problem was that they had no room in their hearts for His message. So, we must be sure that we make room in our hearts as well. We can’t stop falling in love with Him.

If we will ask, we will find the place He has for us. If we seek Him, we will find that He always has the answers. Even if we do not understand what He is saying or doing, Knowing Him is more than enough.

Most of the time when we find ourselves in a deeper place, we don’t even know how we got there, and we have no idea what to do there. No matter what, we must stay there. It is a place to make room in our hearts for His message. Take your place in the space He has placed you.

What we want in our lives is for Jesus to be our motivation. We want Him to be what is found beneath the surface. Then when anything other than Jesus tries to take up space, we know that it must be denied space and replaced with more of Jesus. Never stop hungering for Him.

He is the peace of God that passes understanding. As I read how the people responded to Jeremiah when he delivered a message to them from the Lord, I am just so saddened. They told him, “We will not listen to your message from the Lord. We will do whatever we want! (Jeremiah 44:16-17) I sure do not want to be guilty of that. Of course, we all were guilty of that at one time or another. We just should not be now.

Jesus said in John 8:12 I am the Light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness. With Jesus, even dark places have light. The deeper place in Christ assures us of this. We simply need to look for Him and at Him. Seek and you will find Him. Always take your place in Him.

There was a time when Jeremiah was dropped into a cistern and sank in the mud. He was stuck. Do you ever feel stuck? I feel stuck right now! My flesh says that I do not have time to be stuck, but my spirit says wait. It is so good to wait on the Lord. So, when they came to rescue Jeremiah, they threw rags down and told him to wrap them around himself to protect him from rope when they pulled him out. We have our robes of righteousness to protect us. We are told to put on the garment of praise! We get lifted up when we praise the Lord.

Just like Jeremiah, we need to wrap up in what God has provided for us in Christ. Yes, we can rejoice when various things come at us. When we do, it takes us to a deeper place, and the space around us is crowded with His presence. By the way, the space around us is always crowded with His presence. The deeper we go, the more aware of this we are. We need to be deep so we can help others see. We are in times of great blindness. People are groping in the dark. You can help.

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