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He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. (Matthew 13:37 NKJ)

Have you ever visually compared the size of the Old and New Testaments in the Bible? If you were doing this comparison, did you reduce it further by comparing the size of the four Gospels to the rest? I suggest this of course because the Gospels contain the majority of the words in red, or the words quoted from what Jesus said. Okay, let me get to the point. I find it interesting that considering that the whole book is really about Jesus in one way or another, there really are not many words recorded that He actually spoke. In fact, I am no speed reader but even with interruptions I read all the red in less than 4 hours.

When I got done I thought, “This truly is just a seed.” The Word of God truly is living and powerful. Just look at the few words that Jesus spoke to Paul when he was still Saul. Those words grew up in Saul and came out as most of the New Testament.

John said that if everything Jesus spoke were recorded there would not be enough paper to record it, and yet only a select number actually made it onto paper. Jesus did say that when the Holy Spirit came He would reveal all truth. Obviously it was the Holy Spirit that selected what was written and it was the Holy Spirit that revealed the truth to Paul and others.

It is not surprising then that the Holy Spirit is continuing to reveal the truth to us yet today. That seed is just as viable today as it was the day Jesus spoke it. Remember, man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. God is still speaking and the Word is still growing and giving life.

In John 15:10, Jesus pointed out that what comes out of a man’s mouth is what can defile him. The Word also tells us that the power of life and death are in the tongue. The Lord has given us good seed. We can choose to sow it or to sow something else.

Remember, the Kingdom of God is like a tiny seed that when planted grows up into a bush that birds can perch on. Every word that Jesus spoke did not need to be written down, because He never intended to stop speaking. As long as there are people with ears to hear what He has to say, His words will be coming forth.

His word is a seed that just keeps producing. Its production in our lives is limited only by our willingness to receive it and to sow it. Needless to say, we have not even begun to see or experience all that is contained in this living Word of God. He is the Living Word.

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