Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2 NLT)
How has God changed you? How much has he changed you? How much have you changed? The truth is, the answers vary here. Some things change a lot or at least they should, but it is important for us all to consider our answers.
Over all, God changed a lot of things a lot in my life. All the glory and credit goes to him. All I was required to do was agree with Him. On some things, I have probably impeded progress. Paul gave clear directions as to how to best end up in that good, pleasing, and perfect life. Don’t buy in to the customs or thinking of this world. Many times Christians are guilty of this. We may know what the bible says, but the world offers us a way to go around it. Jesus says it is finished. The world says these things take time and we can choose to go with God’s plan or take our time.
On the highway, we may see a sign that says slow traffic ahead and we may figure we have time to get around to slowing down. While we are taking our time, we find out the sign is truer than we ever imagined and as we are weaving and screeching and shouting and hopefully praying to avoid a crash, we realize we should have paid a little closer attention.
This can and does happen to us in our walk with God. How does our relationship with God affect our lives? There is a song that says, “This is my desire…to honor you.” If we do, then it is going to affect our lives. We are all works in progress, but a desire to honor God is going to catch us when we act or think wrong. The song goes on to say, “Lord I give you my heart…I give you my soul. I live for you alone.” We can’t change ourselves but we can put ourselves into a position to be changed. Change my heart oh God…make it ever true…Lord I want to be like you! Yes another song. Jesus puts a song in our hearts. They are good songs. They are guide songs. We need only to desire to be led by Him and determined to follow His lead.
Yes some things should change a lot immediately. I mean really how much murder can a person continue in with God? But Jesus said hatred is just as bad. You who steal, steal no more; well once in is while is ok isn’t it? Everybody gets angry. A little abortion may be necessary. You can’t just expect a person to stop committing adultery or drinking or the list goes on and on. We may well do much that we should not, but we should be angry at the sin when it rises up. If it really bothers us, we will allow God to lead us into righteousness.
It boils down to what changes we are willing to allow God to make in our lives. How much do we want to be transformed? God will do a lot if that is what we really desire. Don’t slow Him down.