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I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. (John 17:20 NLT)

We have a message! If we believe in Jesus, we have a message. In our hearts, we know the truth. Jesus is the truth, and if He lives in us, the truth is straining to get to the world. Jesus said that we are the light of the World. Actually, we are called to be a light to the world. Our lives are being transformed to make it clear that we are His.

So, you have a message to tell to the nations. Our nation starts in our home. It moves to the streets and is available to everyone who has ears to hear. You have a powerful message. We who believe in Jesus have one consistent message. God is good. He does good. And He calls all His people to be shining examples of His goodness.

As I have read the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, I have often felt how fortunate that God has given us Jesus as our message. Still, all that they were called to say is true today as it was when they said it in their time. God hates sin! He hates that people turn from Him and mock Him. He still loves the people, but He hates the source of rebellion and fruit of rebellion. He calls us to shine the light of His goodness to the world and our confidence in His goodness by our refusal to rebel.

We are in the world, but we are not of it. We do not condone the rebellion. We do not approve the immorality. We have a message in us that says, “This is wrong. Jesus is the way. Come to Him today!” We all have a message that says the same thing. It is unique to us for the ears of who we speak to, so it has many presentations, but it says the same thing.

We love the message of grace, but we do not abuse it. We cannot ignore the prophets of old while we rejoice in the promises they declared. Jeremiah said in Lamentations 3:22, the faithful love of the never ceases. We love that. It is in the midst of his sorrow over what the people were doing and what was coming to them because of what they did. If we believe His love never ceases, then we also believe His judgements are just and just as true!

Every Christian carries the truth on the inside. Every Christian is called to shine that truth on the outside. We clearly told not to be partakers of the sin around us. We are, in fact, in the world. But our comfort is in Christ. Our mission is not to make the world comfortable. Jesus in you, actually makes the world a little uncomfortable. People who were not comfortable with their lives, were drawn to His life.

Don’t be surprised when people back away from the truth. The leaders killed Jesus because of the truth. He said that they hated Him and that they would hate you because you believe Him. It is not comfortable to be hated, but it is to be expected. We can’t change our truth to comfort those who are uncomfortable. Keep shining the truth, and those who desire comfort will come to it. Keep revealing the peace that only God can provide.

It is no secret what God can do. The message and the light God has given to us is for the world.

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