The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance! (Psalms 16:6)
Given the current economic situation, it is safe to say that there are people concerned about their inheritance. Some are concerned as to whether or not they will receive one, and others are concerned as to whether or not they will be able to leave one. If we will, we can take comfort in knowing that nothing can change the inheritance that God has promised.
Of course you know that I refuse to limit God to our heavenly inheritance. Eternity will be way beyond what we can imagine. However, I truly believe that God is just as able in the present time to do abundantly above and beyond what we can hope or imagine.
One thing that limits many followers of Christ is their inability to expect an inheritance. In stead, they tend to believe our inheritance is based on our performance. Jesus did not call people to perform first, He called them to follow. He calls us to believe in God and to believe in Him. Based on these two things we become members of the family and rightful heirs to the Kingdom of God. As we follow, we will of course perform as He leads.
I think that the mindset that is set on performance discourages people from enjoying their wonderful inheritance. We make the mistake of thinking that God thinks like us and we determine that we do not measure up. Of course we often have plenty of help in thinking this way because lots of folks think they have the answers to how God expects us to perform and they let people know about it.
Recently we were in England and on some of the buses there was an advertisement declaring in large letters that there is no God so people should just go ahead and enjoy life. Of course we know that because God is, we should enjoy life. It was explained to me that this person was a reporter who was offended by a message on another bus that declared the assurance of hell to everyone who did not line up with their message. There is no denying the hell of the Bible; however I find it sad that some take more pleasure in telling people of sure destruction than they do in showing them the way to the Kingdom of God.
There is a wonderful inheritance that God has for everyone who will call on His name. If we can believe it, all things are possible with God.
I think this is a good time for God’s people to look up. As we look up, we will behold the glory of God and of course others will see that there is an inheritance that is not limited, but rather it is limitless. It is a pleasant land and it is for all of His children. It is enviable to be a child of God. Enjoy the privilege.