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But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8 NLT)

God keeps all of His promises. We can depend on that. When things do not look like we want them to look. We can depend on God. When we try to understand, but we can’t; we can depend on Him. What and why and how or when are often the very things that cause us to stumble. That is why God tells us to look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith.
God promised from the beginning that He had a remedy for the failure and fall in the garden. He demonstrated His power and His faithfulness over and over. He explained specifically how our savior would come into the world hundreds of years before He came.
Angels came to announce the births of John and of Jesus. Ultimately, the Angels came and announced the birth to shepherds in their fields. Throughout scripture God has made and kept promises, and this one is, was, and always will be the greatest.
Because He keeps His promises we can stand, knowing that all of His promises are yes and amen. What we celebrate at Christmas is much more that the birth of a baby. It is ultimately acknowledging the Savoir of the world. But, not everyone knows this. That is why it is so important that those who do know show just how great He is.
We are filled with hope; we are not the hopeless or the helpless. We have joy unspeakable and full of glory. We are the blessed of the Lord. We are more than conquerors through Him who guarantees our victory. Most importantly, we are His. Think about that. We are His!
He has promised all of this and much more and because He is the ultimate promise sent from God, we can trust all of the other promises.
It is up to us to keep choosing the life that is in Christ Jesus. We make the choice to never turn back. We make the choice to run the race to win. Once we make the choice we have a multitude of heavenly helpers to strengthen us.
This is not a onetime thing. This is a daily way of life that builds us up and has rewards that we cannot begin to imagine. Come celebrate Jesus!
Lord, you are so faithful and so true. Thank you that you have never broken a promise and that we can be sure you never will. You have promised life and health to all flesh. You have committed yourself to us and opened a door for us to be one with you. May we be filled with your great love and bring you glory in the place where we live. Help us Lord to reveal that you are the one true God and that Jesus is the savior of the world.

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