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I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)

The birth of Christ is a really big deal! I mean a really big deal! Christmas is the celebration of His birth.

Ok, so you may think, “what is new?” Well, the birth of Christ can easily get swallowed up in all the other Christmas preparations and celebrations. Christmas can be greeted with lots of different emotions. Some would prefer to just forget it by the time it arrives or even before it starts.

When I read Isaiah 61:10 this week, my heart leapt within me. I was overwhelmed with the joy of the Lord. At that moment, “A big deal,” flashed like a bright light in my mind and it has been blinking all week.

Glory to the newborn king. Love the Lord with all your heart. Oh, come all you faithful. We have a lot to celebrate. Paul prayed that the people would be born again, again! Arise and shine and give God glory! This is a big deal!

Don’t let anything spoil the celebration. This is my 41st Christmas since I came to know the Lord. In those first forty, I have experienced a lot of different things. I have done some pretty well and some not so well. I have some pretty good attitudes and some pretty poor attitudes. I have kept Jesus at the top and I have let Him down and forced Him back to the top while running over things that got in my way. Perhaps you can identify with what I am saying.

Well today, I am feeling like this will be the best one yet. The truth is each one should be the best one yet. We are celebrating the joy of our salvation. We are celebrating the maker of all creation! It just makes me want to shout, hallelujah!

Think of all the people that do not know Jesus. Pray for them. Think of all the people who lose their joy in the most joyous season of all. Pray for them. Show the whole world that you know Jesus and that you are glad to wear the clothing of salvation. Be the happiest person in the room!

I can’t tell you how many times I have been reminded that I should be filled with joy. Holy Spirit is faithful to pass out wisdom. It is great wisdom to rejoice in the Lord! The birth of our Lord was a crazy good revelation of God’s love for us all.

Jesus did not appear to be anything great. We know now that He was. None of us appeared to be anything great either, but God loved us and had our clothing of salvation prepared and ready to put on us. Have you put yours on? If so, have you spun around and rejoiced recently? Isaiah 61:10 goes on to speak of a bridegroom in his suit and a bride with her jewels. There is some celebrating going on during those times.

Have a very Merry Christmas and be sure to make a big deal of Christ’s birthday. Rejoice! And if you have never come to know a personal relationship with Him. Make today your day!

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