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That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height--"to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19 NKJV)

I do not know of anyone who cares to have people accuse them of being irresponsible. No parent takes kindly to be accused of neglect. Even the most irresponsible of parents, will seldom own up to the fact without offering a host of excuses. So how do you think God feels when we make Him out to be an irresponsible parent?

As we have talked about the power of God toward us to give us life and to transform us by renewing our minds, we need to settle in our thinking that God is not an irresponsible parent! To do this, we will need to take a good look at how we represent Him to the world.

He created us. He loves us enough to give His son so that we can have what He planned for us from the start. He sent the Holy Spirit to draw us and empower us. He gives His angels charge over us and commands them to minister to us and for us. He calls us and promises us all of His blessings and for some reason or another people question His motives and His actions. Well actually we know the reason why, because the devil started his trickery in the garden. You would think by this point in time we should be bright enough to shut him up and allow the Lord to dwell in us richly.

Can you accept that God feels responsible for you? Every parent should feel a responsibility for their children. In fact we know that we feel responsible for them long after they wish we would leave them alone! If we, being what we are have that much sense of responsibility, how can we possibly think that God would be less responsible?

Recently I tried to bless one of my children with something and they told me they would think about it. I asked them specifically if they wanted it, and the response was they would look at it first. I could not get it across that it was not going to cost them one thing, but they were convinced it was going to require an investment on their part. Even when I suggested that they consider the text messages and pray about it, nothing changed.

Sometimes we are very much like this with God. He is very clear in His promises, and His motives are as pure as can be, but we complicate the process. We refuse to cast aside our own thinking and simply allow Him to be and do what He wants to be and do to and for us. Why is it so hard for some to accept that God wants the best for His children? Why do people judge others who have caught on to this fact?

I kept hoping my child would catch on and just say “thank you daddy.” We are silly sometimes. Don’t you think it is time we proved just how good and loving God is, by allowing Him to be our daddy the way only He can?

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