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I have one message—the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to God and having faith in our Lord Jesus. (Acts 20:21 NLT)

I am ready to thank God for America. I am ready to declare that this is a great nation, and it will be saved. America will be a shining light to the World. America will be the “In God We Trust” nation once again. Lord restore and renew us all.

As I prayed this week for this very thing, the Lord said, “Many will perish because they just won’t change; but you, change as many as will seek Me.” You is everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord. You! You are so important to the Kingdom of God. Yes, you are!

This word strengthened and saddened me at the same time. All I can ask is that the Lord change the hearts that are hard.

Another thing that the Lord showed me this week was the strength of the single message that Paul spoke of. I thought of the simple truth. We are called to repent from sin. That is not just asking for forgiveness; it is asking for forgiveness and in addition, the strength to turn from it and be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Life without Christ is like crossing a desert. We get thirsty and stop at a mirage. If we do not drink from the cup of the Lord, we may get some sort of temporary relief and move on with our thirsty life. The mirage can be many things. The mirage can be church attendance. I can be many things, but you cannot get a drink at a mirage.

I remember watching old western’s when someone was trying to cross the desert and getting so thirsty and seeing a mirage and running to it, only to find it was nothing but sand and being so desperate that they stuffed sand in their mouth like they were drinking water and died right there.

We need to make sure that we have not camped at a mirage or some illusion of contentment. There are a lot of mirages out there. We have so many screensavers to choose from; but they are not the answer. Screensavers won’t save us! Mirages won’t save us. Only Jesus satisfies the soul. I pray that you know this and are encouraged because you know this.

This is the message that changes lives. We need to live in this truth and help others to do the same. If we know this, then we have the ‘YOU’ assignment to encourage anyone who will listen to hear what the Lord has done for us. He has done great things. Get excited about His goodness and let it spring up in you and overflow to people who are camped by a mirage.

If you are camped by a mirage, dig a well and get living water and then be a well springing up to others at the same mirage. There is so much craziness around us and it is waking people up and they are spitting sand out of their mouths and longing for something true. You are the well of living water for them. May the blessing of the Lord be upon you and up the United States of America. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

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