Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul. (Mark 8:37 NKJ)
I was recently visiting someone in Jail and they called on Christ. This person prayed their heart out and I cried with them. Later as I was praying God posed the question to my heart, “What is a soul worth?” That thought has been continually rolling through my mind for days. The only answer I can come up with is, “Priceless.”
There is a line in a song that says if living was something money could buy, then the rich would live and the poor would die. Fortunately life was given to us by God and eternal life was just as much of a gift. We can’t buy it, but we do need to consider it. Can you join the psalmist and say that your soul is steadfast. Are your eyes fixed on Jesus? These are questions for us all to keep close to our hearts.
I love life in the kingdom of God. However, this question has reminded me that I also need to keep in mind that the good news is about souls. We live in a small town, but this is a big world and there are multitudes in the valley of decision. Each one who believes in Christ has a place in seeing souls saved.
Truly God hears our every prayer, we just need to pray for people we know as well as people we do not know and will never see till we see them in heaven. There was one great evangelist who prayed and asked God to give him souls lest he die. I was actually praying about such things when God posed that question about the worth of a soul. You see we can lose sight of our place in His kingdom and question whether or not we are fulfilling God’s purpose. God reminded me of the person at the jail. What a privilege He provided.
It is good to consider our place, but when we do, we need to remember who it is that does the business. It is God who gives the increase. He asks us to pray and believe. Wherever we are we simply need to do all we can. We do not always see the results, but we can trust God.
Mothers often wonder if all their effort is accomplishing much. Kids can be a problem. In the same way, our prayers may seem to be going unanswered and the changes we desire may look like they are ignored, but we must remember we live by faith and not by site.
My soul is saved. I am thankful. God is just reminding me that there are many who are not saved and that I must remember the value of every soul to Him. He has, through Christ alone, paved the way to the salvation of all souls. We must remember to pray for those in the valley of decision. We must care about them, wherever they are.
Lord, save the lost. As the song says, “shine your light and let the whole world see.” You are God and everyone needs to know you. Show us your ways Lord. Teach us your paths.