Since He Himself has gone through suffering and temptation, He is able to help us when we are being tempted. (Hebrews 2:18 NLT)
What do you think of when you think of a helper? Most of the time we would assume that a helper is going assist us. They are going to make things easier and be a great benefit to whatever we are doing. For instance, if I were going to carry a couch somewhere, a helper would carry half the load and actually make it more than twice as easy.
We could come up with many examples of what we know to be true about helpers and what we expect from helpers, but I believe we all get the picture. We can also think of examples of not so good help! You know, those times when it would have been easier alone. A cute example would be when a parent is trying to put together a “some assembly required” item for a toddler and the toddler is helping!
With these things in mind, let’s consider what kind of helper Jesus is. If we were to make a list, I am certain that we would all list great things that He could do. None of us would suggest that He is a terrible helper. We would never think that He would be incapable of anything. Right? Think about that for a moment.
Now let’s think about the character of Jesus. Did He play favorites? Well there was the time he called the woman a dog and told her he could not give her what she wanted. It only took a few seconds for her to convince Him that she was confident that only a crumb from His table would be sufficient for what she needed. The truth is, Jesus never denied anything from anyone who sincerely believe and wanted something from Him.
So tell me, why is it that Jesus is often made out to be a poor helper? What do I mean by that? Well quite often it seems that we expect Jesus to make things harder. People often think that He enjoys seeing us suffer. What kind of an “ever present help” can He be if He lives to make things difficult?
If we have struggled through something and found an easier way to do it, we would most certainly help someone wouldn’t we? Then why would we think that Jesus, who is “The Way,” would lead us down a more difficult path?
It is no wonder that people hesitate to submit themselves totally to God, when the people who should know Him best, make Him out to be cruel and unusual task master. If we would all settle it in our hearts that Jesus is more than able to help; and that He is ready and willing to do abundantly above and beyond all that we could hope or ask; Not only would we behold the glory of God, we see people drawn to that light.
One more thing, the worst temptation of all would be the temptation to doubt! Consider that!