You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all those whose thoughts are fixed on you. (Isaiah 26:3)
We sing a song that says, “I get joy, just thinking about the Lord!” Forty years ago, I wrote a song saying, “For so long I live without you, now all I do is think about you. Father, won’t you please use me.” We really can have joy, just by thinking about the Lord!
Yes, all things are possible with God, but no thing compares with Him. The truth is, we are generally looking for something when we turn to God. We need Him to do something for us or for someone else. We need Him to protect us. We need Him to direct us. We need Him to correct someone else. Don’t get me wrong, it is good to knock and seek and ask and expect. He tells us to ask Him. He wants us to be dependent upon Him. Still, if we can remove our needs, wants, worries, and all the obstacles that try to keep us from simply getting close to Him; we can just think about Him.
We can think of how good He is just because He is. It is good to give thanks to the Lord for all that He does. We should continually give thanks to the Lord. Still, simply looking to Him and loving Him because we can and because He is who we desire, is something special.
Another wonderful chorus says, “This is my desire, I want to honor you.” When we think about the Lord, we give Him honor. We are not looking for something. We are looking to someone! Yes Lord. You are the one and only true God.
Isaiah 40:31 tells us that those who wait on the Lord will be strengthened. The Living translation tells us that those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. I believe we can wait and not trust! Usually, if we are waiting, we are waiting for something and we are not satisfied until whatever that something is, shows up! On the other hand, trusting is like the assurance of things hoped for.
So, what do you think about when you think about the Lord? I was singing, “I get joy, just thinking about the Lord,” when it hit me that the reason it took till I was 30 years old to be saved, was because I never thought about the Lord!
I heard about the Lord. I sang songs in church about the Lord. I even prayed desperate help prayers and made promises I never thought about keeping, but I never really thought about the Lord!
The day the He filled my thoughts was the day that changed my life. I knew nothing about what He could do, or about asking Him for anything. My understanding was a blank page, but my desire was Jesus. I realized that I had lived with Him and then all I did was think about Him.
I cannot really tell you what I thought. I just thought! He filled my thoughts no matter what else I was doing. The more I thought, other thinking changed. My desires changed. My actions changed. My life changed. And while this was happening, I really had little understanding of how it was happening, Jesus. He was what was happening, and He is still what is happening.
I am sure you have had those times, when the only explanation is, Jesus! Those are great moments! Those are moments that give us joy. When we pray, we know God hears us, but be honest, that does not always satisfy us! On the other hand, when we have not prayed or even thought about something and we realize that it is finished and it must have been Him; oh yah, we like that. Just thinking about it has me smiling!