And since you don't know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert! (Mark 13:35 NLT)
The subject of time has been coming to my mind recently as I seek the Lord and since time is something we all consider on a regular basis let’s look at it. We wonder if we have time to get things done. We have demands on our time until we sometimes just sit down and do nothing. We take the time to do some things and we put off the time to do other things. Usually we do what we like and put off what we don’t, but then again there are some things we do that we do not really want to do because is time to do it.
I often hear people thinking they have time to consider a relationship with the Lord. There are also people who refuse to take a moment to consider it because they have determined that they have no need. In both instances, I am certain that the Lord is faithful to provide them many opportunities to speed up their consideration or to re-evaluate their stance.
There is also the concern that we all experience when it comes to time; when will our prayers be answered? How long oh Lord till healing, provision, protection, or direction shows up? Jesus said now is the time. If you hear my voice, don’t harden your heart. In other words, His answer to all of our questions is now is the time.
There is an opportunity for peace to settle into our hearts when we can just believe now, even when we are not sure what now means! Jesus told the people some disturbing things and yet when they asked when it would happen; He told them that only God knows so just stay alert.
Just imagine the difference it would make if we watched expectantly for the Lord in all circumstances. So often, we watch and wonder and worry, rather than watching with great anticipation knowing that it won’t be long because we are on God’s time!
With all of our means of communication now, we can get a call telling when someone will be showing up and then stand at the door watching. In the past when we did not have all of the current technology, people still stood expectantly when they heard someone was coming.
Jesus really wants us to put time in His hands. He wants us to grow in faith believing His promises. Watching for and experiencing His presence and seeing Him work brings such comfort. It is about time we simply entered into His rest.
The time is hear to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We have so many opportunities to just believe God even when it does not look so good. I have often looked at Paul’s words when the ship was about to fall apart. He said it was going to crash, but he believed God was going to do what He promised. Isn’t it time we just believed God?