What do you know about tomorrow? How can you be so sure about your life? (James 4:14 CEV)
This is a great question. What do we know about tomorrow? This verse can launch us into joy or into despair. On one hand people can get caught up in thinking about the futility of life and how it is only a vapor and what is the use in even bothering. Then as we read on, scripture says we should just assume everything the Lord wills is what things will be; except if that is the case there is a lot of stuff we think the Lord has missed and messed up.
This is why it is important to know what the good, perfect, and acceptable will of God is. Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it abundantly. He came so that our joy might be full and complete. Yes, He warned that there would be trials and obstacles, but He assures us that He has them handled. So, what do we know about tomorrow?
We know that God will be faithful tomorrow just like He is today. If you need comfort, He is comforting you today and tomorrow will be no different. The same is true with strength, wisdom, all everything else He has promised.
He will be with us. He does not change. God will be God tomorrow. We know this for certain! When we are confident of this, then we know where to turn. We can let go of worrying about tomorrow and we can trust God for the troubles of today.
We do not need to be concerned about God changing. When we know He will not change, we can trust Him to help us when other things change. He will be sufficient tomorrow. He is more than up to the task of taking care of you.
If you call tomorrow, He will answer. You can be sure of that. You can lie down in peace and sleep, and if you can’t sleep, He will give you rest. I woke up very early this morning and really wanted to go back to sleep. Since I could not, I considered this verse that God spoke to me before going to bed. What do you know about tomorrow?
Well if we knew about tomorrow, we would want to know about next week. We would want to know so much, but if we knew everything in advance we might not like it all! That would only confuse all the days leading up to the day.
Think about it. Jesus told us more than two thousand years ago that He was coming back but only God knew when, so we should not worry about it. We should just trust God every day. How are we doing with that? Today God is faithful. Tomorrow God will be the same. This is what we know for sure about tomorrow. It is easier to plan when we stick with the plan to trust in the Lord will all our hearts and not get too impressed with our own understanding.