So that is why he was accepted as one who is right with God. (Romans 4:22 ERV)
God, through Christ, not only made us acceptable; He accepted us. It is possible to be acceptable and not accepted. In this world, two people can meet all the qualifications and one be accepted and the other not. One can be hired and another not hired.
Young and old alike are subjected to different standards. Young people may get caught up in getting accepted into a certain group of friends and then find that they are not friends at all. They may find themselves accepted one day and shunned the next. Older people may find it harder to be accepted for certain jobs, activities, or a driver’s license.
Some people have a hard time feeling acceptable and others think that anything should be acceptable. One person never feels good enough and another thinks anything is good enough. Neither of these attitudes or mindsets works out very well.
There is a solution and it is a simple one. It is the solution God provided in Jesus Christ. You see, there was no way that anyone could ever again have relationship and fellowship with God unless God made a way. God wanted it so bad that He gave His son, our savior as a sacrifice in order for us to be acceptable to be accepted. Based simply on a willingness to believe God, we are made acceptable and accepted the moment we believe.
This acceptance produces such freedom that it is hard to comprehend. In fact it will take eternity to take it all in. At the same time we are set free from things that never could satisfy or measure up; we are released into things we never could have imagined.
People who had at one time given up on life and any hope of ever feeling accepted are suddenly transformed into people filled with such joy, peace, and assurance that others who knew them cannot comprehend the change.
I know a young person who only months ago attempted to take her own life. She now says that she is renewed. She said, “I have not been rehabilitated, I have been made new.” She went on to explain that if she said she was rehabilitated that would leave the door open to return and she was not going back. That is a miracle from God!
No matter what you may be going through, God has a plan for your life. You may be on top by the world’s standards and miserable in your heart; God can fix that. You may see yourself on the bottom with no way to rise up. God can fix that.
God has chosen you. Jesus has provided the way to you dress you up and present you to the Father and the Father has guaranteed your acceptance. That is what Christmas is about! A life full of good things; a life full of God!