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My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10b NLT)

I have clothes in my closet that I have not even seen for quite some time. I do occasionally go through and decide which one’s need to go and leave that to a future date. I also find some that I want to wear! The point is, they are there for the wearing!

Jesus made it clear that He came to give us life. Life is always available because He has promised us that He has given us life. He has given us His life. We can access joy for sorrow, hope for hopelessness, strength for weakness, etc. We hear about this, but do we access it?

When we saw that God is working to give us a desire along with the power to please Him, did we just put that in the closet, or did we consider what He implied by it. He revealed to us that inside of us was the desire to please God. Whenever we please God, we are satisfied! When we do not, we are not satisfied. It really is that simple.

God has given us access to power and love and a sound mind. As Paul wrote to Timothy explaining that God did not give us a spirit of fear. Fear is part of the devil’s plan to kill and destroy the hope that God has given us. Our life is in Christ. We seek that life from Christ, for Christ. We are new people. We are not just looking to God for our own pleasure, but our plan is to please Him.

I want life so I can give life. Everything we desire from God can be used for God. So, when we seek Him according to His plan, we can be sure that we have what we ask.

For instance, when we pray for a good day, it is so that we can display the goodness of God. Then when things do not go the way we hoped, we display the hope that is in us, and God works things around for the success of His kingdom. It may be that when we pray for a good day, God sends us or brings someone along our path who needs to see our hope when our day does not look so good. When they see us standing on the promise of God and trusting that God is doing what we prayed for, God is glorified. That is what life is for after all!

We have life in order to spread His life. When Jesus was in this world in the flesh, He was revealing God in the flesh. He did what He saw and spoke what He heard from God. He showed us how to live and assured us that we could in fact live that way. All we have to do is access the life that is in Christ Jesus.

Without Christ in us, the last thing we want to do is live according to His will and His for His purposes. He puts in us the desire to change. When we fight that desire, we are miserable and as a result we may be miserable to be around. Life comes when we yield to the desire God has placed in us to please Him.

Lord, make us sensitive to your voice. Help us to remember to access the life that is ours. Lead us daily in a way that reveals what pleases you. We pray for Your power to be manifested in our lives so that others will be drawn to you. Thank you for life Lord.

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