Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God's promises because of their faith and endurance. (Hebrews 6:12 NLT)
So, we recognize God or we don’t. We respond to God, or we don’t. Now we react and take action, or we don’t. We have an obvious pattern going here and we are the biggest variable. Remember, the R’s of seeing God have the ultimate goal of receiving the precious promises of God! As much as it would be nice if God would make us faithful, it just is not going to happen. We hold the keys to the Kingdom!
Paul told Timothy to stir up the gift that was in him, and we have that same key to success available to us. We need to be aware of our reaction to the Word of God. For instance, earlier in the week I was reading in the Psalms where it is written, “You have turned my mourning into dancing!” I put a note in my Bible to act on it! We should not read things like that with a “ho hum that’s nice” attitude. It should stir us up! At the very least we give our toe a tap!
David spoke to himself telling himself to praise the Lord and trust the Lord. Do you suppose he took his advice and just did it? Well, it does not matter what He did! We can! The greatest reaction to the Word of God is obedience! The more we take the action as the Holy Spirit leads us the more we behold the glory of God. It has been my goal to increase my response and reaction to what God tells me to do. I recognize Him pretty well, but even that needs improvement. My desire has caused God to open the way to improve.
Just recently I was on the motor cycle (yes another God Wing story) and needed to choose a direction for my trip. To my eye one direction looked the best way around storm, but God directed me to go the other way. So I made the turn and off I went. As the winds began to pick up and the sky got darker I was praising God and rebuking that storm. I even mentioned that I hoped I had heard Him correctly and that this was the way I should go and not the way I could go. Then it got worse and I told the Lord the other way must really be bad! Yes I was comforting myself! Ultimately, I had about ten miles of ugly riding, culminating in about two hundred yards of hail before I arrived at a truck stop and got out of the weather. I was soaked and safe and praising the Lord!
As it turned out, God had taken me the best way! I know, big surprise, right! The other direction that looked better it turns out tipped over semi trucks and blew other motor cycles into the median of the interstate. I was sorry to hear that, but I was shouting and praising God for more than a hundred miles as I rode the rest of the trip in the sun with the Son riding with me and the angels of God surrounding me.
No, I will not be indifferent concerning our wonderful Lord! Yes I will stay stirred up and I will enjoy His greatness in ever increasing measure. Some may wonder why God did not just tell me to park the bike and miss the whole adventure. Maybe He will next time, but this time I saw His hand in the midst of the storm and it was wonderful. React! Let your actions reveal your faith. Nothing can keep you from receiving what God has in store for us if we do!