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After this prayer, the building where they were meeting shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. And they preached God's message with boldness. (Acts 4:31 NLT)

Does it take a shaking to call you to action? I admire the faith of these believers. In the face of great resistance, they asked for strength and boldness. They asked God to anoint them and fill them with power. They were specific as to what power they wanted. They wanted the same power that God had anointed His servant Jesus with. They asked God to listen to the threats that were made against them and fill them accordingly so that great miracles would be done through the name of Jesus. In response to their prayer, God shook the building and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

The truth is, they were all filled before this! The building shaking must have been an inspiring reminder! Hey, we all need inspiration from time to time. I know that I have often prayed that God would shake the building where we were meeting. We have probably all asked God to do that. The question is, “What would we do if He did?”

What if God did shake the building and we just got excited for a minute and then returned to our laid back stance waiting for the next thrill? I know there is nothing as sweet as the presence of God. There is nothing that can compare with the rush of His touch. But what do we do with what we ask of God. Do we take action?

Do you suppose that God shook the building to remind them of what was already present? Did God need to do that every time they were together? I think the most important point for us to consider is how they responded to the shaking. They responded by doing just what they had asked God for the power to do. They believed something had happened when the building shook. They took action accordingly.

Scripture confirms that God hears us when we pray. If we believe that He hears us, then we should have the confidence to act on what we have asked. It begins with us believing. If we believe, then we speak. When we speak the truth, we are built up in the truth. There is a spiritual shaking that takes place whenever the truth is spoken. The bible tells us that hell trembles! I am certain heaven reverberates with amen and amen!

I recently read a devotion telling how just hearing the word without taking action on it is the quickest way to become lethargic in our faith. In other words, if we do not take any action, we will never see any action. If we do not see any action in our own lives it is easy for the devil to convince us that there is really nothing to what we are hearing. This is why Jesus was clear on the fact that we must be doers of what we hear.

If we are never going to do anything with what God says or does, why should we expect Him to keep doing and saying? Allow the Word of God to enter deep into your heart. You can be sure that the shaking is real and the promises are true. Take action.

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