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And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.

There have been times when I have planned on doing something and then did not do it. Sometimes this is repeated many times before I finally go ahead and get it done. The plan was always the same it just took activating the plan to finally get it done. Recently I planned on getting new tires; I just waited long enough to have a flat before finally doing it. My new tires are nice!
Jesus always did things at just the right time. That is my goal in walking with Him. As I thought about this in the night, I heard God say there is a man in a certain place that needs deliverance. I prayed for that unknown man and felt the Lord say that was how it works. We make ourselves available and then act accordingly. How simple is that?
Well it is not so simple until we see how simple it is. We build our faith as we grow closer to Him. As we learn to anticipate the greatness of God and prepare for the restoration of God, we gain confidence in activating the word of God or taking action according to the word of God.
Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit. He pointed out that He was doing this just as God had promised. He stood on the promises of God and so should we. He made it clear that we should wait until they received the power from Heaven. After all, those who wait upon the Lord receive strength. By faith we know that when we wait on the Lord He does what He promises.
The plan from God was to reveal Himself to the world in the person of Jesus Christ. The plan Jesus left us with was to continue the revelation to the rest of the world. When we activate our faith according to the word of God, God is revealed. This does not mean everyone will see it, but it means everyone will have the opportunity. Remember, not everyone saw in Jesus what was there to behold.
The Bible says that nations will be saved in a day. The activation of the plan of God is for a purpose. The Holy Spirit has placed a purpose in our heart and we are only satisfied when that purpose is satisfied. It may seem like a small thing, but until that small thing is done we will not be satisfied. One small thing may lead to many small things that ultimately are huge things. I read of a missionary who went to a remote place and spent his life without seeing one person converted to Christ. Yet he is credited with changing that nation. Sometimes we know exactly what God is doing and sometimes we have no clue whatsoever, but we learn to trust His plans.
Your life makes a difference. It makes big difference. Allow God to show you what to do and tell you what a say and live each day knowing you were available and ready to act.

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