And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. (Luke 1:14 NKJV)
I grew up with Advent. Every year the candles were lit and verses were read; Christmas was coming. That is what it meant to me. As I got older, it meant the same thing, except that I got to be a candle lighter and a reader. Now I know more!
As I thought about this, I was reminded of a time when we had a condensation problem in our house. Someone suggested that perhaps adding a vent would help. Many years passed before I actually decided to add the vent and guess what? That was the solution.
You see Advent to me is more than a season. It is not about remembering that Christ was born. It is a continuation of celebration that He was, is, and always will be the solution. Zacharias was in the temple when the Angel made this declaration of the impossible. Not only would he and his wife have a baby, but that baby would be the one to tell everyone about the ONE who was coming. The solution to all their problems was on the way!
Remember, Jesus is the solution. Perhaps you have always seen Him as your solution, or perhaps this is a season to ramp up your faith for a bit. Perhaps you are like I was and never had a clue as to what Advent was about and were just the same when it was over as when it started.
No matter what you feel about it, I am certain that seeing Him as your solution will be a celebration. You may be going through something and this may just be the reminder that you need. I know that the enemy does his best to close the curtain on the obvious and get us to worry and fear when in fact we know that Jesus is our solution.
Knowing that Jesus is your solution shows and helps others to know that they too can enjoy His presence and the goodness He brings to our lives.
Back when I needed to add the vent to my roof, I was not really aware. Then when it was suggested, I was not really sure how or if I really wanted to do it. I let the problem go on until I was sick of fixing the stained ceiling. I decided I might as well give it a try. Why didn’t I do that sooner?
I don’t think about that vent every day, but every time I do, I thank God for the solution it provided. On the other hand, I do prepare for and seek the Lord everyday now. He is new every morning. He was born and He was and still is the savior of the world. He is the solution we are all looking for. With this in mind, I am pretty excited about Advent. I am excited to celebrate the solution of all things. It is no longer dim lights and candles and a solemn occasion. It is more like the Shepherds rejoicing after seeing the baby. The plan has come together and we are part of it. Rejoice.