Their descendants will be known throughout the earth, and everyone will know their children. Whoever sees them will know that the Lord has blessed them. (Isaiah 61:9 ERV)
It is a new day in a new year and each moment offers new life. Every breath we take and every move we make is important. The quality of our life is very much tied to how willing we are to adjust our life in order to assume our position.
Adjusting is part of conditioning and conditioning is what enables us to be in the right spot in our position. For instance, if you watch football you will hear them speak often of adjustments that an offense or defense has to make in order to do better. If they are in good condition, then they can make the adjustments, however if they are not conditioned, no matter what adjustment they make they will not end up in the winners position.
In order to be in good enough condition, the athletes must make adjustments in their life styles, in the way they practice, and over all dedication to the game. A person may have signed a large contract to play a certain position, but if they do not align themselves with the coach’s desires and adjust their lives accordingly they may not play. If they do not play they will be traded away.
Now we know that the Lord will not trade us away, but we must understand that life in Christ requires adjustments in our lives and our lifestyles. Grace empowers us to change, it does justify rebellion. Grace elevates our position, but it does make excuses for our stubbornness. In other words, we condition ourselves to take the position that is ours and this requires us to adjust. God does not adjust; we do.
I think that some have become confused by the idea that God understands and since God understands He changes the rules according to us rather than requiring us to line up. I know that God understands, but we must understand that His way is the only way and that He gives us all the tools we need to assume the position that He has promised. We have a contract signed in the blood of His son, our savior, Jesus Christ. God says I forgive you and promise you life. We say Lord forgive me and give me life as I give my life to you. I will not be conformed to this world. I will be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I will adjust my life in order to place myself in the most advantageous position at all times. Jesus, show me the way. I know you are the way.
Conditioning requires prayer. Prayer can and should be done anywhere and everywhere at all times. It takes an adjustment in our heart and mind to grasp and perform this aspect of conditioning. How important is it for us to be in position. If God wants us to pray, then we adjust. We figure it out or we miss out. This would be a good place to begin adjusting. Jesus prayed and it worked for Him. We all have adjustments we can make that will put us in better condition which will in turn enable us to fill and enjoy our position. Isaiah 61:10 says, “The Lord makes me very happy. I am completely happy with my God.” Continue to adjust. This is a must!