I must calm down and turn to God; He is my only hope. (Psalm 62:5 ERV)
Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you were wrong, but you were not willing to do anything about it? We all have. We have all rationalized and justified our way into overcoming what we really know is best. As I have considered this I came to the conclusion that one of the great things the Holy Spirit does for us is empower us to be admitters and quitters! Yes, He not only helps us see, or admit, but He empowers us to quit as well. The ruler of this world does not like it, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in this world.
Before we receive the Holy Spirit we do recognize what is wrong and right; we just feel powerless to do anything about it. We basically say, “I know, but I can’t do anything about it! You don’t understand. It is harder than you think and etc.” The Holy Spirit empowers us to hear what we are saying and to overcome the excuses. We simply must turn to God.
On the one hand, that thought sounds so cliché, but on the other we know it is so powerful. Without trust in the Holy Spirit, it is powerless. With trust, that is an all powerful statement. What do you feel as you read, “I must calm down and turn to God?”
Do you feel empowered? Do you think, “Yes I must remember that?” In other words, does it bear witness with your spirit? It must stir you in one direction or another, because the Word of God is powerful and requires a response.
Jesus said that He would draw all people unto Himself, so there is a draw going on everywhere for everyone. Sometimes it is strong and obvious and other times we it is hardly noticeable, but it is always able to save whoever will respond to it.
That is why in desperate times, people think of God. Often times it is to blame Him for one situation or another. There again, the Holy Spirit helps us see who is the real culprit. We are reminded that it is the devil that comes to steal and kill and destroy, not God. The quicker we admit that, the quicker we quit blaming God and open the door for His blessing.
When we know these things, it is great; but the blessing is in acting on them. Jesus said, “Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.”(John 13:17) Most of the time, doing something requires quitting something else.
Sometimes, we may find that we have been doing something one way, and it was ok, till we found a better way. Jesus is always revealing better ways, because He is the way. We begin with one thing that never changes; whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. From there, it is one opportunity after another to get understanding. If we have quit seeking understanding, we need to admit it and quit it. Now that we know these things…