Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. (1 Chronicles 29:11 NLT)
There is a sensation that comes with adoration and we have all experienced it at some level. There is however, nothing like the sensation that comes with the adoration of the maker of all things.
If you have experienced puppy love, then you know the sensation that comes from the just the thought of the one you dream of. If you have gazed at a baby as you held them in your arms, or even the return of a lost pet, you have experienced the sensation of adoration. I remember well the sensation when I met my wife, the love of my life. These are all glimpses of the emotion God blessed us with.
As I read the scripture from 1 Chronicles, my first question was, “Do I adore you as the one who is over all things?” As I considered that, I thought about the joy that comes from the presence of God. Then in several instances I began to see pictures of the response to this adoration.
Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, David and many others found themselves face down in the presence of God. Angels filled the air declaring His presence. Shepherds left their flocks, and wise men found a baby and rejoiced.
God is present. It is up to us whether we will respond to Him or not. I have heard people speak of how they remember joy in the Lord’s presence, but they just don’t find that any more. My thought is that they should look harder. We must remain passionate and encouraged and we can’t do that in our own strength. We need to seek God and encounter Him. The result will bring the adoration sensation.
We have a screen saver on a computer that runs family pictures over and over. Sometimes I will see a photo and it reminds of something with one of the children and it stirs my heart. Frequently on those occasions, I will sit down and just watch pictures go by rejoicing at things I have not thought of for some time. It is not like I ever quit loving my family or friends; it is just that I find it fun to stir up those joys.
All of this just challenges me to make sure I adore the Lord as He should be adored. I love the adoration sensation. I love the exhilaration that comes with the presence of God. Those other little glimpses of this emotion are just that; gifts from God to lead us to the real and greatest sensation of all. O come let us adore Him. This is something that changes us for sure.