Yes I believe I should keep reminding you of these things as long as I live...I want you to remember them long after I am gone. (1 Peter 2:13, & 15 NLT)
When this letter was penned, there was no Bible. These were letters written to the people of the Body of Christ to remind them of the things that had been preached to them on many occasions. They were reminders of the things that were key to their spiritual lives. Peter had no idea that they would become what we now know as the Bible; he only knew that it was important for them to remember them day in and day out.
If it was good for them, then it is even better for us. If was important for them it is more important for us because we have the benefit of increased understanding based on two thousand years of the Word of God never failing.
Scripture commands us to study in order to show ourselves approved and I am in no way contradicting that command. I prefer to read it like a letter from my best friend. There is just something about the word study that causes many people to balk at even the idea of reading the Bible. Have you ever noticed young people reading books as thick as the dictionary and devouring every word looking forward to the sequel? At the same time they hardly want to look at their history book because they have to study that.
The truth is that reading the Bible becomes pure joy when we allow the Holy Spirit to remind us of what life is really all about. He brings the ministry of Jesus to life. He shows us how Jesus never stopped; how He continues to this day just like He said He would. The real treat is realizing that He dwells in us. Wow!
This is why Peter was so adamant about reminding them. He knew that everyone who took these truths to heart would be a light shining in the darkness. He knew that they would be an example not only to those outside of the Kingdom, but also to those who were weaker in the faith.
We may not catch the fever the first time we read something or hear it preached, but that does not change how profitable it is. Peter was not discouraged because people did not get as excited as he was. He just told them again.
I remember when I was younger I really did not care that much for watching hockey. It would be on television but it just did not thrill me. Then one day some friends talked us into going to a professional hockey game. Wow! That was a whole different experience. It completely changed how I looked at the game. Of course the same was true for me concerning the Word of God. For more than half of my life I had almost no interest in the book at all. But now that I have experienced the way that this living word has changed my entire life, I have no problem being reminded and reminding others again and again of the Life that can be found only in Christ Jesus. Don’t quit till you get it!