In the same way, you should see yourselves as being dead to the power of sin and alive for God through Christ Jesus. (Romans 6:11 ERV)
How we see ourselves has a lot to do with how and who we are. This is true in all areas of life, but the big difference for Christians is why we see ourselves the way we see ourselves. We should see ourselves as alive for God because we have the gift of Jesus Christ dwelling in us in the Holy Spirit. We live for God! This is much easier to do when we come to understand that He lives for us!
When Paul and the other prisoners crashed on the Island, everyone on the ship lived because of God. How many gave God the glory? How many who were alive, then began to live for God? Did their lives change or did they just live? I really do not know the answers to those questions. However, this morning as I kissed my wife and told her she smelled good and also that she looked good, I had another thought and added that best of all, you are good. As I said that the Lord quickened in my heart that this very much relates to what He was talking to me about.
We can look and smell fine and not be so fine. We can be crashing while we think we are in complete control. We can convince ourselves in the wrong direction or we can convince ourselves in the right direction. We can lift ourselves and others up or take ourselves and others down. We really can do these things because we have been gifted by God. The key in all of it is if we are using our gifts for Him.
Paul pointed out that he died and yet he lived because the life that he now lived was Christ living in Him. So we need to search and see if the life we now live is more for us or for God.
He promised us life and so we should have life, but who do we consider most in this life? Who do we thank? Who gets the glory? Are we grateful to God? Is He on our mind? Do we seek His counsel? Is He our source and our resource? Is He more than enough or barely enough? Is He Lord?
Believe me, I have a long way to go because there is always more in Him, but as long as I am pressing and seeking I am finding. My greatest concern in life is that I would somehow cease to do it and not notice. What if I see myself as good and smell myself as good and miss something not so good? What then?
Oh praise God for the Holy Spirit who will reveal all truth. He can tell it like it is in a way that is most difficult to ignore. Of course we can ignore Him as well, but if it is our hearts desire to live for God, we can be sure He will help. He is the one who comes along side to help. We were created to have life from God and live for Him. That is rest at its best!