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Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, Rivers of living water will flow from his heart. (John 7:38)

Now is the time! It is always time! Give your heart to the Lord. Today if you hear His voice, don’t harden your heart. These are words that are relevant at all times to all people. God is always present and always speaking.

 He calls to all who are thirsty, and we are all thirsty! Before we know the Lord, we are thirsty and striving for Him; we just do not know it. Once we come to Him, we are still thirsty! Our hearts long for more even if we are slow to recognize it. We can become adept at quenching the Spirit of God for our own selfish reasons. So, let’s be wise and seek the Lord! Let’s keep our eyes and ears open.

A line in an older song (HOUSE OF THE RISING SON) speaks of having one foot on the platform and the other foot on the train; recently God opened my eyes to something concerning these words.

We are all guilty of standing on the platform when the train is ready to pull out. We resist God for one reason or another when we know we should get on board. The platform of what we have always done or always thought, or fear of what people might think, to mention a few; holds us like glue! We put one foot on the train, but that is not enough, we need to get on board!

Once we have been born again, we still find ourselves standing at stations along the way. We come to stops daily. These are the places that offer us opportunities to grow and move forward but we see signs that indicate the price may be more than we want to pay. It is wise to count the cost, but we cannot let it keep us off the train.

When we see what God wants, we should not hesitate! Of course, we all do! The things that appeal to us are not a problem; rather it is the things that we have made a platform out of that cause us to pause. Those are the places where we have built benches and we just don’t want to move.

To these spots Jesus says, “I know you are thirsty. Just come!” We can count on Jesus and trust Him to make the next destination more wonderful that we could have imagined. There was a situation in my life where the Lord had spoken of a change coming. When it came, it was way beyond my comfort level. There were moments on the trip when I wondered, but I was confident that God knew what He was doing. He always does! What He starts, He will finish.

A key in our walk with God is to make up our minds to keep walking. Remember when Jesus asked the disciples if they were going to leave Him too. Peter rightly said that there was nowhere else to go. He was the life they were looking for. We all know that Peter had a derailment on that trip, but still God got him through. God will get you through too.

Whether we are young or old, we need to commit ourselves to staying on board. Make the decision beforehand to choose Jesus. Remember, “This train is bound for glory!” God has promised to take us from glory to glory. All aboard!

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