Then I pray to you oh Lord. I say, "You are all I really want in Life." (Psalm 142:5 NLT)
Elisha made an axe head float on the water and told a young prophet to grab it. In Psalm 77 we see the psalmist pondering the good old days and when his nights were filled with joyful songs but those days are long gone. He is wondering what the difference is now! Since all scripture is good and God breathed, it makes perfect sense that the Lord has tied these verses together in my mind and it seems to be a response to a thought from earlier in the week.
In the middle of the night I woke and was speaking to God about how He makes me feel. After I had the thought I sort of lost words and thoughts until I came to the conclusion that what God does for me is make me feel like it is ok. No matter what, it will be alright. Things may not start that way, but when I look to Him, that is how He makes me feel. Since I do not like feeling any other way, I quickly grab it and I keep on grabbing it until I have it firmly in my possession.
The key is in wanting what we are grabbing for. David was in a bit of a disturbed state. Things must not have been going well when He told the Lord that He was his place of refuge and all he really wanted. Asaph was pondering the good old days but had decided they were gone.
In both cases, they had the opportunity to grab the truth. If the young prophet had just stood there in disbelief; or if he had wondered how that worked and tried to figure out how in the world Elisha did that, he probably would have missed what he wanted.
Asaph seemed to just continue down memory lane without going ahead and filling his night with a song. It is amazing what a song, or a shout, or a praise the Lord can do to get the train back on the tracks. If life derails us, we have a choice. We can stay tipped over beside the tracks and wonder what happened and try to figure out how it happened, or we can get up and get on track. That is a very simple truth. Grab it.
Don’t believe the lie that it is not that simple; try it. David built from his desire for God, and ended declaring that God was good to him.
Let’s face it, sometimes the axe head drops off in our lives. Jesus said we would have tribulation. He did not add, “So wallow in it!” No, Jesus said rejoice because He overcame it. Can we grab the over comer truth? It is what we want?
Does what God says, make us feel like it will be alright? If God used to fill our heart with songs; what changed. God does not change, so the songs are still there. God is good to us so we can be sure He will only increase in His goodness. Grab it.
All God wants is you. If He is all you want. Grab Him and hold on.