Hosanna Restoration Church

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"It is the same for each of you. You must leave everything you have to follow me. If not, you cannot be my follower. (Luke 14:33 ERV)

This verse makes it sound like a very costly commitment, but in truth it is just great investing advice. The more you invest the more you can draw out. If we do not put anything in, even what we start with will be lost.

Why is it that we will often put all our time and effort into things that do not last and yet we read or hear a scripture like this one and just shrug it off? It is simply because our eyes are blinded to the value of the Kingdom of God.

This is why the very best thing we can do is determine to go all in. When we go all in to something it is because we believe in it and believe it will produce results. Poker players will go all in when they have a hand that they believe will win it all. Of course there are times when a person will do this as a bluff hoping to fool other players. It may be that Christians are guilty of pretending to be all in at times. Needless to say, this is not a good plan. It may work in poker but not with God.

Coaches expect athletes to be all in for the team. Employers want employees to be all in. We would not want an airline pilot flying the plane we are on if they were not all in for a safe trip. We have a multitude of regulations to make sure that manufacturers of everything from food to cars and even the control of our air are just right, and yet we think it is unreasonable of God to expect commitment in order to reap the benefits of His Kingdom.

Let’s face it; it is relatively easy to become complacent. After all, God does make the rain to fall on everyone. We all reap the benefits of harvest with food to eat. Over all, things seem to go pretty well until they don’t! Then we may or may put in a plea and get in the flow in order to get over whatever it is. Even then, God is good to us.

Still, the message remains from God that He wants us to enjoy it all, but in order to be able to do that we are going to have to give it our all. One of the greatest things we can come to understand is that God will only take what we leave behind and make it better.

When I came to know God, I was in the middle of following a dream to be an entertainer. There was nothing I would not give in order to write and perform music. I was all in. Then I met the Lord and decided I would sing for Him, except something just was not right. I made the choice that if I did not sing it would be fine with me. When I gave it to Him, He gave it back with an anointing. He simply wanted it to be His. Because of that, I have the privilege of leading people into the presence of God in worship.

If we have something that seems like too great of cost, it is probably the very thing that God is waiting to bless in great measure when we give it to Him. All in, is the way to go!

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