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For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God… (Titus 2:11-12)

We who know God should show God! Salvation came to all people, but all people do not know God. So, if we know Him, we should show Him.

We live in a world where evil is on display, but just because it is on display, does not mean we have to be a part of that show! We can choose devotion to God. We can choose lasting pleasure with God.

Thinking of the evil made me wonder how things compare to what was going on in Noah’s day as He built the Ark that God designed. In a sense, we are all called to build an Ark and be a place of rescue and refuge.

We were not saved to simply attend church or fellowship or whatever you care to call it, for an hour or two a week. We get together to be charged and empowered so that we can run the race and reveal the light of the Lord.

Psalm 29:10 tells us that the Lord rules over all things. It struck me that He not only rules over us, but He also watches over us. As a parent, I was expected to rule over my children to guide them and care for them. I also watched over them to protect and provide for them. I did the best I could. How much greater does God do it? Wow! Just thinking of Him watching over me is a comfort.

The simplicity of the Gospel is that Jesus came to bring salvation. He died to take away our sins. When He left, He tagged off to Holy Spirit who draws people to God. When we choose God, we should choose the power to live in this world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God.

Jesus said, we would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. According to His word, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He did not leave us powerless. Still, we need to choose power.

His power gives us wisdom and the energy to follow the wisdom. It takes power to testify or tell our story to others. It takes power to declare that God is able to help. It takes power to get beyond thinking we should have said something. Power just says it and trusts God with the rest.

Do you feel powerful? I can’t do it Lord, but you can! I will do what you want Lord. Help me, Lord. Show me the way Lord. Fill me, Lord. Come Holy Spirit! These are short, but powerful prayers and they are often difficult to pray because the answers will require action.

We sing songs welcoming the Lord and praising the Lord. We sing asking Holy Spirit to fill us with power and to take His rightful place in our lives. But then, are we selective as to what we will receive, or do we want all of Him? Do we want all the fruit all the time? Do we want to pray in tongues and prophesy as well as pray for the sick and cast out demons? Salvation for all!

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