None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, "Know the Lord," for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. (Hebrews 8:11 NKJ)
Remember when the man who came to Jesus and said that it was obvious that He was sent from God? No matter how much the religious leaders wanted it not to be so, the presence of God in His life was so obvious that deep down in their hearts no one could really get away from the fact that He had to be who He said He was.
Jesus then told him that only those born of the Spirit would be able to enter the kingdom of God. For a long time, I joined others in bouncing this kingdom of God out to the heavenly realm of the future, but I never felt totally comfortable with it. My experience with Jesus had changed my life so much for the better that I felt like I was experiencing a bit of heaven on earth already. Still, there were people with much more knowledge than me who assured me that this was in fact a reference to eternity. Well, I have come to the conclusion that though they were certainly sincere, that sincerity has caused them to miss much of what God had planned for them.
As I read this scripture in Hebrews I began to imagine what it would be like when every believer in the world began to walk like Jesus said we could and should. Just think about it. Jesus had such confidence in His relationship with the Father that He never doubted; consequently everything He said came to pass. Everything He prayed for happened. Remember, His life was intended to turn on the light for us. We were to watch it and then imitate it.
I felt like God was saying to me that it was going to become so obvious that He was our Father that we would no longer have to say a word. This will no doubt be very beneficial because often times what is said does more to deter people than attract them! Imagine being so blessed with the presence of God that your neighbor can see it. I am not talking about some glow (though that could be part of it as well); I am talking about a blessed life. I am talking about the favor of God producing such peace and wholeness in our lives that others desire it. Can you see yourself prosperous in every area of your life? This is the new covenant Jesus spoke of.
Remember how everyone knew that God was with Israel? Remember how people wanted to be in on their blessings. What I see from this is that God is going to make His presence so obvious that people will just know and many will desire to have what we have. And of course God will give it to them. They in turn will pass it on. It will no longer be religion as usual which keeps more people away from God than it draws to Him. Rather it will be the obvious favor of God poured out on all who will receive it.