Nobody can take my life from me. Instead, I myself choose to die. (John 10:18 EASY)
If you thought I was going to give you all the answers, you thought wrong and right. I do not have all the answers, but I know the one who does. I know that Jesus is the answer. The question is will we believe that He knows and that He is.
Will we love Him for who He is rather than what He does? Will we trust that He will do because He is who He is and even if He is not performing the way we like; He still is. If you read this chapter in John you will see Jesus tell them that they should believe what He says. He goes on to say that they could believe Him because of what He has done, but they won’t do either. I think that at times Christians get caught in that trap.
We do pretty well until something comes up and then we need something and suddenly we are doubting; we probably doubt because when things were going well we did not have to trust. Oh we probably prayed a little and read a little and even went to church a little, but we really did not need anything and we have forgotten how much we need the Lord!
Do you want to see a miracle? Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you love Jesus. If your answer is yes, you are looking at the greatest miracle you will ever need. You have within you the power to stand. You have the power to die to yourself. No one can make you die. You can die to whatever you think you need more than you need Jesus.
The miracle that you are is filled with joy and the victory of the Lord. We know that who He is will keep us. What He does He does because of who He is. When we know that He is, we know that He rewards those that love Him. So do you love Him?
So often we read in the Bible about how people forgot all the miracles that God did for them. In John chapter 6, Jesus says, “I am telling you what is true. You saw me do miracles that show God’s power but you are not looking for me because of that…I gave you all the food that you needed.” Jesus is all we need and has all the answers we need. The Bible also tells us that John the Baptist did not do any miracles; he only spoke the truth.
If we abide in Jesus, we will know the truth and the truth will make us free. Miracles come and go. When we are sick, we want to be well, but when we are well we just go on and forget who heals us. There is great freedom in allowing His word to satisfy us.
When it is His word that feeds us, we become hungry! His word in us produces the river of flowing miracles that He promises. We become people who pray believing that He is who He is and does what He says because He is who He is. He is more than enough. Do you love Jesus?