Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. (Ephesians 4:1-3 NLT)
When I was kid, other kids were getting an allowance and though I am not certain how it came about, my parents decided to give us one. My brother was to get 50 cents and I was to receive 25 cents per week. I do not believe there were any stipulations about how we would earn it; we were just going to receive it. It seems to me that it was quite some time later that we actually received it and when we did I was blessed to receive about 25 dollars. That was big money. I never missed the 25 cents a week. I always had food and clothes and back then that was pretty good. The thing is, it was not because I earned it, it was because they decided to give it.
This is the allowance God is telling us about when it comes to each other. We don’t overlook, we don’t make excuses; we simply make allowance for each other because God has made allowances for us. He chose to do that for us and He asks us to be like Him and do it for each other. So it is a choice we make in advance. Again, He calls us to make allowances, and not excuses. When we make allowances, we can then, in love, encourage one another along the way.
You see, this can all be done because we are aware that we have been called by God. We all can understand that with that call comes the challenge to lead a life worthy of that calling. Often when we face a scripture like that we are blasted with the awareness that we have been unworthy and we could never be worthy, but God chose to make us worthy. With His choice, He gave us all the tools to walk with Him and be what He has called us to be. His grace is sufficient for all things.
We did not earn this grace. He made an allowance for us based on His choice. Remember, you have been called by God. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. You have answered the call and you are in Christ Jesus, so you have everything that you never deserved on a table before you.
When we are moving toward God, we do not need to make excuses. If you think about it, we only make excuses when we know we missed it. The bottom line is that God has made an allowance for us so that we can fix it. We make allowances for others as well until they get it fixed. Why? Because we have been called by God and because of our love for one another.
Part of living a life worthy of our calling is making allowances for each other’s faults and praying for one another. Paul noted that he had not yet arrived at perfection. He was not making any excuses for it either. He simply kept pressing. Let’s do the same because of our love for God!