And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples(Mark 4:34b NKJ)
How important is it to get away and be alone with God? I do not know. I do know that this scripture tells me that when Jesus was alone with His disciples He explained everything to them.
This tells me that it is important for us to gather together as a body of believers(disciples)to get alone with God together. It also tells me that when we do gather, that we should expect God to reveal Himself to us. He is after all the truth, so truth will be revealed. He is the supplier of all of our needs, so we should expect God to meet all our needs when we gather alone with Him.
As a body, we will bask in His love together. We will love one another with this love and then take this love outside the gathering place and spread it abroad through the power of the Holy Spirit, Who God has given us. God working in us, now that is the way to be alone.
I also see from this scripture, that it is important for me(for us) to get alone with God on an individual basis. As individual families, with family devotion times, and each person in each family alone with God.
I do not know about you, but there is always something that I do not totally understand. Sometimes it is about scripture of course, but in addition to that, what about the things in our everyday lives.
When things frustrate us, make us angry, make us sad and etc., it is because we do not understand exactly what is going on. In these situations, and in every situation, God is waiting for us to come to Him so that He can comfort and help us. Sometimes by giving us the answers and the understanding, and other times by simply telling us that He has it handled and we can trust Him.
Whenever we miss our opportunity to get alone with Him, whether it be as a church or individually, we miss a lot! And the worst part is, we never know for sure what we did miss. Every one of us at one time or another have said the words, if only I had known, or I wish I had done this or that. Well, if we take advantage of what God offers us, we may not need to say that quite so often, and maybe not at all.
Let’s renew our commitment of love to God, and determine that we are going to take advantage of every opportunity and make opportunities to be alone with Him to get the understanding we need in order to live this life of love He has given us.