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For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6 NLT)

Do you ever feel alone? Sometimes we want to be left alone, but we really do like being alone in the sense of feeling just empty. The thoughts that can enter our minds when we truly feel all alone are wild. We can be tempted to lash out. We tend to imagine everything bad and nothing good.
That is because the feeling of being alone is a feeling emptiness and when we feel so empty we want to be filled with something. If something bad has happened we can be convinced that revenge will do the trick. But it really won’t. Emptiness looks for someone to blame or someone to shame.
Scripture often encourages us to empty ourselves of ourselves and fill ourselves with Christ. He came so that we would never have to be alone. In Him we never even have to feel alone. At least we never have to go deep into those feelings, because the Holy Spirit will quickly remind us that actually are not alone.
God knew from the beginning that it was not good for us to be alone. He made man and then he made a woman from the man so that they would have each other. Then throughout His word He promises us to never leave us or forsake us. God knows how much we need comfort. He also knew that we could never feel complete without Him.
Jesus knew the feeling of being alone. He knew the feeling of being forsaken. He knew feelings that we never really have to experience. He was actually separated from God. As a result, He made it so that nothing could separate us from the Love of God.
We may feel like it at times, but we are not separated. We may feel like we have been deserted, but we have not. We can quickly overcome simply by calling upon the Lord. If we say that we have called and it did not work, we are believing a lie. The devil lies! God says when you call I answer. So we are never really alone.
It seems that Christmas is a time when loneliness is magnified. Perhaps that is because it is the time when we celebrate the birth of the one who provides the solution to being alone. The longing in every heart is for Jesus. Assurance we all need is found in Jesus. The strength to press on is in Jesus. Everything that we need is in Him.
I pray that you are experiencing His fullness. I pray that if you are be attacked by loneliness that you will call and let Him come and sooth your soul. You are never alone with Jesus.

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