I ask only one thing from the Lord. This is what I want most: Let me live in the Lord's house all my life enjoying the Lord's beauty and spending time in His palace. (Psalm 27:4 ERV)
As I was praying, I prayed this verse and I was telling the Lord how I simply wanted to dwell in His presence and I was reminded that I am pretty low functioning when I am in His presence in the way I was desiring. Truly, my physical and mental capacities become so single focused that it is difficult for me to do anything but enjoy Him. So I need those times of saturation and I need to carry as much of that as I can into daily life.
So in this I realized that what I need is be more aware of His presence at all times. This reminds us that He is near to hear, to help, to guide, to protect, and all the other things that only God can do the way God does them.
Being aware of His presence is also a big key to defeating sin. You see, before we are saved it is not enough to simply be aware that God might probably exist. I was, I think, very aware of that, but really did not let it concern me much. It simply was not personal or important enough to me to consider it.
Once we come to know God, it is very important that we are aware of Him and His desires. We cannot treat Him the same way we did before. Unfortunately, this is often what happens. We can say we believe, but Paul says that what we say we are should show up in the way we live.
For instance, we are all aware that there are warning signs on the highway. We all know about speed limit signs. Have you ever noticed that you pay closer attention to them when a patrolman is present? Have you ever been behind a patrolman when he was driving less than the limit? I have, and I must tell you that I just stay behind them. Even if they are going too slow, their presence affects me. In the same way, being aware of the Lord’s presence should affect us. When we recently talked about the fact that it should not be easy to sin, the main thing to consider is respect for and awareness of God’s presence in our lives.
When we sincerely desire His presence, we also sincerely desire to be presentable. David was praying in this psalm to always be presentable and that God’s presence would always be accessible. Believe it or not, we have been given the keys of access, and we determine whether or not to use them. So use them often!
David was aware that God would defeat his enemies. He was aware that God would protect him and provide for him. Because he was aware of God he would sing to the Lord and praise Him. Being aware of God makes us responsive to the checks that the Holy Spirit brings up in our lives. The more aware we are, the less likely we are to just ignore God and excuse things that we know are wrong. Remain aware of His greatness and all will be well.