You must remain in me, and my message must remain in you. Then you may ask for anything that you want, and God will do it for you. (John 15:7)
Are you confused, fearful, weak, strong, sad, happy, or lonely; whatever may be going on in your life the best thing is always to turn to God! Just turn. Bring everything, every thought to God.
I sat with my coffee this morning spending time with God. As I spent time with God, my mind was in a multitude of places. Does your mind ever wander when you are trying to pray? If not, I repent of coveting what you have!
So as my mind wandered, I took note of the fact that I always turned it back to God. I have done this since the beginning of my relationship with the Lord, but I never took a great deal of notice in the fact until this morning when Holy Spirit pointed it out. In the past, I guess I just saw it as a correction of direction that I needed to accomplish. I never saw it as something good as much as I saw it in my needs improvement list.
The truth is that always turning things back to God is just what God wants and it is just what the devil hates! He will mock you like kids on the playground if you always run to daddy. I am 68 now and I want my daddy more than ever. I am not ashamed to say that I need my Daddy God. I don’t mind admitting that when I sit in His presence I feel so fortunate and yet so helpless.
When I sit with Him I become ever so aware that I cannot do anything without it. I also realize that I try to more often than I should! My exercise of turning in my prayers and in my thoughts is a picture of what I need to do in every part of my walk.
In our lives, we are encouraged to grow up. We are not supposed to be dependent on anyone or anything. I remember when my earthly dad shook my hand to release me to grown up life or something. I understood it signified that we were done hugging. To my knowledge we never hugged again until I met Jesus. When I came home shakes were out and hugs were back in.
Growing up in the Lord should not distance us from God; it should reveal how much more dependent we are on Him. Holy Spirit showed me that my wandering mind, which to me was such a weakness, actually strengthened me and made it clear that His strength is made perfect in my weakness. That of course is not a reason to wander more. It is a reason to rejoice for His strength and keep coming back to what is important. Don’t give up!
As I read the verse above with these other thoughts in my head, I noted that I sure can ask for anything I want, but I don’t have so many wants and it seems my needs are of diminishing importance. I think this is partially because as trust increases windows open, and partially because we realize more and more that He knows what He is doing. Keep running back!