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But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. (Philippians 3:16 NLT)

Oh that we might be found in Him; that we might know Christ more and more, that we might always keep Him first in all things. With all that Paul had experienced and been a part of, he never let go of what was most important. There is always more to know and there is always room to grow in our relationship with Jesus.

Sometimes, maybe frequently, I think about my beginnings with Christ, and I wonder if I was more devoted then than now. The change was, well it just was! I am forever grateful to the Lord and it is worth taking the time to renew my thinking and assess my zeal for more of Him.

This morning as I spent time with Him and noticed the below zero temperature I was reminded of a time early in my walk when we were offered an opportunity to move our family to Florida. It was a time of prayer and fasting for sure. The offer was presented in such a way that I would be going against the will of God if I did not go. They were sure the Lord said it should be! They were far more mature in hearing and doing the Lord’s work than I was, still, I was just not feeling it. Maybe I did not want to move again. Maybe it was my flesh. So even though I was new, I knew who had the final say.  The Lord must show the way.

The final decision was paved by the Lord, when the offer turned from Spirit to flesh and they talked about how much more money I could make with them. That broke the chain and set me free to simply say that I was where the Lord wanted me.

My previous way of life would have been easily persuaded, but not my life in Christ. It was certainly no sacrifice to turn that down once all the cards were played. That lesson was one that I have never let go of. Nothing is more valuable than what we have in Jesus.

A question that was planted in my brain in the night as I have been considering this was, what would it take for me to betray Jesus. What temptations win in my life. I would like to think that no temptation would convince me to betray Jesus. The thing is a betrayal is a betrayal.

It may be that we think that only what Judas did was a betrayal. The fact is, we all might betray Him more that we care to know or admit. It is not about being perfect, it is about being honest. Being honest with ourselves and the Lord, opens the door for Him to perfect and complete what He has begun in us. Does your heart cry for more of Jesus? Do you want Him to always have first place?

I know what the Bible says, but. I know I shouldn’t, but. After all, no one is perfect! It is so easy to miss the mark. It is also easy to hit the bull’s eye! It is easy to love Jesus. It is easy to recover and to be renewed. It is easy to choose life. It is easy to put Him first. I also know that easy does not always come easily. We can, however, humble ourselves before the Lord and He will strengthen us and lift us up. Lord help me. Keep me from betraying you. I know you do, and you will.

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