Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. (John 20:21)
It has been a week to remember since Jesus died and rose again; He came to them, so they know that He is alive but they still do not know what is going on! Each time He comes to them He tells them that peace is with them. I am certain that each time Jesus comes and says “Peace be with you,” they feel the peace! But then, He is gone again and they are left with their own thoughts.
If we know Jesus, we have all experienced this; the peace comes and goes. How do we get it to stay? Well, we are told to seek peace and pursue it! Peace can be an elusive thing! Still, if we can receive it once, we can receive it over and over. There is that perfect peace in Christ Jesus and that is the thing that the enemy is out to destroy.
If we want the peace of God, we must be willing to put in the effort to keep it. It is all part of fighting the good fight of faith. When troubles come, run to Jesus. He not only told the disciples to receive peace, He told them to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is equipped to lead us into perfect peace.
There are times in our lives when it seems that peace is too far away to reach and then suddenly, there He is, the Prince of Peace! He is so wonderful and all is well, and then we begin to worry and think and the peace slips away, and round two of the battle comes!
Don’t give up! Don’t give in! Just start to praise again! If peace were not such a sure and powerful thing, the enemy would not work overtime to disrupt it.
I am certain that the disciples would have appreciated Jesus staying and explaining a lot more to them, but He wanted them to seek and find the truth that He had been teaching them all along. He stopped in once in a while to reassure them and then off He would go. The fact that he came at all confirmed everything He said.
When He comes to us, He does the same for us. We have the advantage of knowing everything that went on. We have the advantage of knowing that it has continued to go on for more than two thousand years. Even with all of that, it is a battle.
Early this morning, I had a case of rushing thoughts that I would get under control and then off they would go. The truth is, they were good thoughts but rushing thoughts just the same. I would get them slowed down, and off they would go again. But then came two words from the Lord; “Always Peace.” That was it! That was the key to the disciples’ future and it is the key to ours. Seek His peace. Receive His peace. Believe His peace. Walk in His peace. When peace is disrupted; start over seeking, receiving, believing and walking in the peace of God.