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The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit. (Romans 8:11 NLT)

God never sleeps, so He is always up. He loves us, so He is always lifting us up. He is always up to the task, no matter what we may ask. He always has the upward plan for our lives. If we can believe it, then we know that God is always for us! He is on our side. He is always ready to guide us and always abides with us. God does His part! He never slacks off. So, no matter where we are in life, if we will look up, we will see that our redemption is waiting for us.

Jesus is our redeemer. Isaiah says that we all have gone astray from what God desires for us, but God put our sins on Jesus. He was not punished for anything He did, He was punished for everything we did. It does not make sense until does!

Until we acknowledge that we need to be redeemed, nothing that was done for us matters to us. God never stops working in our lives. He is always trying to get us to see that we need to come up. We need to come out of the screensaver in life that says we are doing great, and we do not need anything. Or we may be in the screensaver that says this is just the way it is, and it is not going to get better.

Both of those and everything in between are lies, and we know it. The problem is that the devil has medicated us into believing that those screensavers are real and no matter what we do, we cannot seem to get them to shut down so we can get on with the real program. The devil has us locked up.

The truth is that even believers can be locked up. We forget that the devil has no power over the blood of Jesus, and he turns on a screensaver that makes us think God has forgotten us. We know better, but we just can’t seem to wake up! Well, I will tell you the same thing I tell myself; wake up and get up and let God lead you up to a higher place.

Wake up! It does not matter if you are caught up in a dream or a nightmare, wake up. If you are rich, thank God that you can repent and truly enjoy your riches. If you are poor, thank God that you can repent and enjoy the riches that God has for you.

God is greater than all our problems. He is greater than all our successes. God is up and above all things. He is worthy of our praise. We can make Him our everything. When He is everything and the King of our lives, we take the power away from the devil’s screensavers. They can no longer lock up our lives.

Jesus is the escape button that always works. Just the mention of His name will reset, reboot, and remove all the viruses that have been installed in our lives.

I want to always be up and when I am not, I want to get up. When I cannot, I God has promised to raise me up. He has promised to strengthen me and even carry me till I am strong. Come up to the high places. God is calling us up! Show others where up is!

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