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How joyful are those who fear the Lord--"all who follow His ways! (Psalm 128:1 NLT)

How joyful are you? I will be honest and say that there are times when I am not as joyful as I should be. But then I remember the goodness of God. I am thankful that Holy Spirit reminds me of just where my joy lies. It is like we discussed; the Bible is the original app store. When we know and love the Lord, we keep that program running in the background of our lives to remind us where our help comes from.
Paul spoke of being content in all situations. He knew what it was like to have much as well as to have little or nothing. He knew about being exalted and about being bound. In all these things, He was content. He was well.
Have you found that to be true for you? Have you discovered that no matter what, Jesus makes you well?
Though I have known the way the peace of God invaded situations in my life, I have not previously pondered it that much. As you probably know, God has His ways of getting greater understanding to us and this was a special time for me. As He brought different memories to mind, I realized that the major controlling thought and presence in each circumstance was Him.
In the worst of times as well as the best of times, He was the one that sustained me. Now since I have known Him, I have known a very different life, but I did not give a great deal of thought to how certain things have worked out. I simply have been oh so grateful! There have been so many things over the nearly 35 years with Him that I have compared what I would have been like or what I would have done before Christ in my life to how it went with Him. It seems there has been a shift of late. As you know, things change as understanding comes.
The simple truth is that since the day I met Jesus, things have been well. Of course things have not been perfect, and there have been ups and downs and shocks and awes; but as the song says, it has been well with my soul.
We can focus on what we choose to focus on. As long as we continue to focus on what is wrong, we close our eyes to the one Who makes all things well. We know when something is wrong; all we need to do is change the channel to the One who makes us well. If we will believe it, all we need to do is turn our eyes on Jesus. He is always present. He has the answers. If we want to be well all we need to do us trust Him. Plan to trust Him in all things and at all times.
I want to help us all bring to the surface what we know in our hearts to be true. Then, we will truly be well!

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