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Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:29 NLT)

When we looked at how God is always God. He is everything He says and he just does not change. He does not have off days. He does not love sometimes or help sometimes! He by His own description does not change. There is no variance Him. In the above verse, Jesus assures us that in Him we will find rest for our souls.
This was the answer to the question that has been on my heart. Am I always all that God says I am or can be? I want to be. We all want to be. Are we? We will be one day, but the truth is we are all works in progress. Some days our progress may seem more backwards than forward! I read a statement this morning that said, “Where there is no passion for the Word of God, other passions take over.” How true is that? We all have moments when other passions take over!
Jesus said that He always did what pleased the Father. Do I always please the Father? Again, I want to. I want to more than I want to take my next breath. I do think I always please and obey Him when I hear Him, but do I always hear Him? If I listen I do. Do I always listen?
You see, there are a lot of always questions that I do not always have the answer to. Why do I have some of the dreams I have? Why do I have some thoughts that I have? How can I call myself a follower of Christ, when I am not certain that I always follow him?
If you have ever considered this, then perhaps you have found the perfect answer or perhaps you have given up on it. Some people have. Some people have been deceived into thinking it is just too hard. The enemy does his best to discourage us and to try and get us to give up, but we must never give up.
The very fact that we are concerned with whether or not we are getting it right means that we care about what God wants. God has assured us that He is able to complete the good work He has begun in us. Don’t be discouraged.
One sure way to obey God is to seek God so we know what He wants. There is that word obey again. Yes God does require obedience. In order to follow our heavenly calling, we will need to choose what God wants.
Who better to teach us to always please the Father than the one who always pleased the Father? Jesus knows how the world can try to wear us down. He knows it all because he was tempted in every way that we are and yet He never sinned. So His solution to my (our) dilemma is to come to Him. “Take my yoke upon you” Jesus said. He will teach us. He will lead us. And we will have rest for our souls as we go.

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