Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1 NKJ)
Knowing Jesus is life changing. Changing is a choice. Jesus gives us life. He also gives us choices. Am I satisfied with the choices I make concerning my relationship with God? Most of the time! When I am not, what do I do about it? Do I fix it or just shrug and go on?
Paul said that he had run a good race and finished his course and he was ready. I am confident in two things. I am confident that I am ready. I am also confident that I have room for improvement!
Belief in Jesus saves us. Whoever calls upon His name will be saved. That is what the bible tells us. God decides the really hard things. It is beneficial for us not to try and figure out who is saved and who is not. Knowing Jesus satisfies me. Paul said that he did not even decide about himself, he left that to God. Paul was also very clear in his instructions as to what was acceptable and what was not if we want to flourish in the kingdom of God. I want that, but more than anything I want to be a blessing to God.
There are so many people hurting and without God and there are people hurting with God and only trust in God will fix that for us all.
I really think that if we can be satisfied that the Lord is more than enough and still never be satisfied that we have become enough we can maintain a really nice balance in our faith. We really need to guard against, good enough! If we find ourselves saying, “That is just the way I am,” we are probably already convicted that it should not be that way, but we are justifying and rationalizing and not really so happy with ourselves.
Hey, change can be hard. Ok, change is hard unless we have a good reason to change. For instance, if we like to sleep and it causes us to be late for work, we might say that is just the way I am. However, if we are told we cannot be late anymore or we will lose our job, it might just be incentive enough to change.
On a personal note, God changed me so much at the start that I needed to guard against that being enough for a life time! I also needed to guard against thinking that everyone had to measure up the way God worked in me. I have come to the conclusion that no one needs to satisfy me, but everyone needs to satisfy God! If the way I am is not according to what God says, I cannot and will not be satisfied with me. I will not compromise what God says for myself or for anyone else. At the same time I will help anyone who wants help to know Him better. There is such peace and joy in Jesus. He is satisfaction!