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And the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked out through the stunned onlookers. They were all amazed and praised God, exclaiming, “We’ve never seen anything like this before!” (Mark 2:12)

Amazing. We live in world where there are videos of some pretty crazy stuff. In fact, there are so many things that what was once amazing becomes no big deal.

We are in the playoff season, heading for the Super Bowl in football. Athletes will make some amazing plays that people will be talking about and commenting on for decades in some instances.

So, shouldn’t we be amazed with our wonderful Lord? Do we take the time to be amazed and tell Him how amazing He is? We have amazing lives in Christ. If we just take the time to notice. If we take the time to consider Him and all that He does for us.

Unfortunately, we can be guilty of treating God like yesterday’s great play and allow our amazement to drift into a place of the past. Don’t let it happen!

Once we used to declare along with the Psalmist that we would bless the Lord at all times, and that His praise would continually be in our mouths. I want to encourage us all to stir up our amazement with our amazing Lord.

I have the great privilege of seeing God amaze people as they are exposed to His presence, and it always amazes me. Recently I thought of what a gift it is from God that we can know Him and be amazed by Him.

Have you noticed how we can be so thrilled with every little thing that a baby does? At the same time, we can get tired of someone telling us about how amazing another baby is. We pick and choose our amazement.

Never lose your amazement when it comes to God. Don’t think that someone else’s amazing story makes yours any less amazing. God should be glorified for every size of thing He does. We sing a song declaring, “I am blessed! Every day that I live I am blessed!” Think about that! Be amazed, be very amazed at the blessing of the Lord!

Finding the amazement that the Lord gives is like stumbling into a treasure. Give yourself to continuing the flow of that treasure. Build your amazement up, don’t press it down. It is ok to be out of control with the joy of the Lord.

I had a thought that we can turn a small boat into an ocean liner as we notice and praise God for even the little things He has done, is doing, and continues to do.

Oh, the wonder of You Lord! You are the air we breathe.  We could not breathe without you. Amazing! Won’t you magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His name together. Let’s stir up that child-like faith that is still amazed by the goodness of God. Give thanks to the Lord!

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