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Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. (Psalm 143:10 NLT)

Some time back, God began to speak to me about grace. Grace is one of those words that we hear, sing, and say, but for the most part have very little understanding of what it is all about. At least that was what I discovered when I started to really look at God’s grace. Now I see that this is just one more area where if I will let Him, He will teach me just how great His grace is.

With this in mind, it is no wonder that David asked God to be guided by His gracious Spirit. David knew what it was like to like to live on a slippery slope, now he was ready to go with firm footing, and that is what we should all desire as well.

We should never be satisfied to just go along with life as usual. We should not be people who just figure, “I guess that is the way it goes.” With Christ in our lives, we should settle for nothing less than God’s best for our lives. There are lots of things that we do not fully understand, but that does not mean that we just sit in the ditch. If you are driving down the road and hit a slick spot you can end up in the ditch without knowing how you got there but as a rule a person does not just stay there, they find a way out. Well we should be just as determined to get where we belong in our life with God as well.

The obvious advantage to this is that God is able to transform the natural world by the leading of His gracious spirit. Remember He formed the world. He can turn it on our behalf. By His grace, He has guaranteed that! However, the devil has done his best to promote the idea that you just have to take things the way they come. If you get in a ditch you have to sit there till someone comes to get you out. After all, maybe God wanted you in that ditch! My experience has always been that unless a person is unconscious they will usually seek the assistance. I think as Christians, many of us have spent way too much time unconsciously believing lies.

One definition of the word grace that is used in the bible is “unmerited favor”. Unfortunately, that is the only one that most have logged into our memory. That is in fact a very important definition, because we are saved by this grace. We could not earn it nor could we ever deserve it. However, the unmerited part drops off when we move into the family. It is my prayer that we will all grow together in the understanding of God’s grace in our new lives after we are born again.

God, by your gracious spirit lead us forward on firm footing. We ask this in Jesus Name.

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