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But you have not called upon Me...and you have been weary of Me... (Isaiah 43:22 NKJ)

The good news is that God is bigger than all of our problems. The obvious bad news is that we have been the problem. This verse in the CEV Bible says, “you have become weary of Me, but not from worshipping me.” In other words, you might not be so weary if you just would have called on Me and worshipped Me. But again, it is like the Lord says not to worry, I will show you the way out. God is abundantly above and beyond what we can think, hope, or imagine. His patience alone is enough to just make a person shake their head.

Today is the celebration of the birth of our nation. Our nation was founded on the principles that God set forth in His word. No other nation has shown the mercy or compassion that our nation has. No other nation has done so much in an effort to help other nations out from under oppression that our nation has. Some may not care to admit it, but all of these attributes came about because we were founded as a result of a people who wanted to have a nation with the freedom to worship the One True God and live under His care.

But now, America has grown weary. The nation has been weighed down by her own neglect of the God we depended upon. But this will change! I said this will change! Do I hear an amen?

I never really gave much thought when I was growing up to the fact that I was born only eight years after World War II. Actually there are a lot of things I never gave much thought to, but there are some things I remember.

Growing up, it seemed to me that going to church was the thing just about everybody did. We may have rushed out to do other things, but at least everyone had a sense of a need to go. I remember one time when a man who was the town drunk, grabbed me on the street and told me that it did not matter where I was or what I was doing, “When He pulls that chain baby, you gotta go!”

Since then, instead of nurturing that need, we have allowed our nation to do more and more not only to neglect the worship of God, but tremendous efforts have been made to erase Him from the thoughts and sight of the people. Of course, at the same time God has been busy raising up people who have intensified their devotion and who are beginning rise up and declare that enough is enough!

Oh how wonderful it will be when God heals our land. We must return to trusting and relying on God with the same fervor that our founding fathers did. George Washington stated, “To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to laud the more distinguished character of Christian.” He also stated, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” Can you say, “Amen”?

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