"Go and walk through the land in every direction, for I am giving it to you." (Genesis 13:17 NLT)
I believe there are moments in each of our lives when we felt like God was the answer. It may be in a time of desperation and we reached out momentarily only to continue on in our own way once the desperation had passed. It may also be a time when we decided He was the way and we wanted to live His way. No matter what the circumstance, it was a life changing opportunity.
It was probably more monumental than we realized at the time and it may be the place we need to return to and replenish what was provided there. David asked God in the Psalms to restore the joy of salvation to him. God promises to strengthen, carry, and uphold us if we will only draw near to Him.
Every day gives us the opportunity to renew, refresh, restore, and recommit ourselves to our relationship with God. We can and must do as Paul said and leave what is behind and press toward what is ahead.
We ended 2018 looking forward to more life in Christ Jesus. We understand that we are not alone because God is with us and that disruptions or inconveniences are simply opportunities to trust God and welcome Him to do what only He can do.
Scripture reminds us to hold fast to those things we have learned. I am convinced that there are many things I have learned that I have not yet experienced. I am also convinced that there are promises God has made to me that have been continuously working in my life for my benefit, but the fullness of those promises is still larger than what I have seen. It is because of this that I thought about the Abraham moments in our lives.
Abraham believed God and it was counted as righteousness. He left his home to follow God to a place that God would show him. God promised to bless him and make him a blessing and God did just what He promised. Abraham, like us, only saw part of what God did and continued to do. We read in the bible only part of all that went on. We see that God was faithful even when Abraham sort of lost track of what was best. It never changed what God promised.
Nothing can change what God has promised you either. Whether it is a promise that you heard personally from God or one that your read in His word and your spirit bore witness with His spirit that it was for you; it is from God. Consider that moment or those moments. Return to that monument if you will and be refreshed once again and then look forward to the continuation of what God has promised you. Truly, God does far more that we can see or remember, but the Holy Spirit will bring those things to mind as we seek the Lord. It may be that you think you have not had one of those moments. Draw near to God and you will not be disappointed.